Jarro-Dophilus Women, 5 Billion CFU - 60 vcaps

SKU: P45066
Prezzo standard 49,64 € EUR inc. I.V.A.

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The Only True Women’s Probiotic With Four Strains Resident in the Healthy Vaginal Tract

Jarro-Dophilus Women combines the most prevalent vaginal Lactobacillus species and has been clinically shown to be effective at 5 - 10 billion to help restore healthy vaginal flora.

4 Clinically Documented, Beneficial Strains From the Vagina
1... L. crispatus LbV 88
2... L. gasseri LbV 150N
3... L. jensenii LbV 116
4... L. rhamnosus LbV 96

Undesirable bacteria do not thrive in an acidic environment. Jarro-Dophilus Women’s patented strains produce lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide (H202) and have been shown in clinical studies to lower vaginal pH, creating a mildly acidic and healthier microbial environment.